Thursday, October 22, 2009

Preparing for Hogwarts - Halloween

The Poulsen Home in Belmont took on the scene of much activity as Harry and Hermione prepared to attend Hogwarts ( Halloween ). Mr Ollivander was commissioned to make their wands.

Hermione Granger and Harry Potter watch as Mr Ollivander carves their wands to the exact specifications required. The project took on great seriousness as the instruments of magic were designed, carved and finished.

Ollivander and the grateful recipients of his wands.

Harry Potter aka Joseph Poulsen

Hermione Granger aka Alyssa Poulsen


kirsten said...

Those wands are awesome! My kids are being Harry, Hermione, and Ron - we are just going to use sticks as wands. But we have Hedwig and Scabbers and a time turner, so that's good, I guess.

Katherine said...

I have the luckiest kids in the world!!!

Debbie said...

Amazing wands!